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Reds & K 1000 – Exhibition

‘Reds’ Andrew Redmond met documentary photographer Karin Albinsson after completing a prison sentence. When ‘Reds’ told Karin of the 1,000 photos he had taken and lost six years ago, this project was born. During the last couple of years, they have met up regularly to retake the photos lost. Reds has spent most of his life in and out of institutions. During the project he has rebuilt his life. While Reds rediscover Manchester through connecting to graffiti and street art, Karin captures his stories.

The Exhibition include nine collages with 2,400 photos of graffiti and street art with a storyline under each collage.

‘Reds&K1000’ © Andrew Redmond and Karin Albinsson

Photos of graffiti and street art by Andrew Redmond.

Facilitator, portraits, text, postproduction, curator Karin Albinsson

Project funded by Volition, Manchester Cathedral

Free – please drop in